Dedicare aims to conduct its operations in a long-term and sustainable manner; therefore, we are committed to promptly addressing and investigating any irregularities that could significantly harm the business or our employees.
If you have suspicions of irregularities related to Dedicare, we appreciate it if you report them through our whistleblowing system. We have a service provider that allows you to whistleblow completely anonymously.
What type of issue should be reported?
Examples of the types of issues whistleblowing is intended for include financial irregularities, prevention of money laundering, financing of terrorism, environmental damage, and public health. Information about misconduct can also be reported if there is a public interest in such misconduct.
How does whistleblowing work?
Those who wish to whistleblow can use a form found at the bottom of the page. You can directly specify the details of the issue in the form, completely anonymously. However, to allow the investigator to ask any follow-up questions and keep you updated on the issue, you need to provide your email address, which remains anonymous thanks to the system Dedicare uses.
You also have the right to whistleblow orally or in a physical meeting if you prefer. In that case, you need to provide your phone number and can no longer report anonymously. Whistleblowing cases, as well as the whistleblower, are handled with the utmost confidentiality. The Whistleblower Act and the whistleblowing function also protect the whistleblower from reprisals.
What happens next?
Those who whistleblow receive a confirmation of receipt within seven days. After that, an assessment is made as to whether the issue falls within the scope of whistleblowing or if it should be handled differently.
When an issue is confirmed to fall within the scope of whistleblowing, it will be investigated. In most cases, the investigator may need to ask follow-up questions. Within three months, you will receive information about what has been done to investigate the issue and information about planned actions.
Dedicare has appointed handlers who receive reports, follow up, and provide feedback. These individuals are to act independently and be autonomous in carrying out the function, maintaining confidentiality. They have a duty of confidentiality and, as a starting point, have sole access to the information received through the whistleblowing function.
Written documentation and oral reports provided in a physical meeting are documented and stored in the whistleblowing system. The documentation is deleted no later than two years after the case is closed