Shareholders’ rights to make decisions within Dedicare are exercised at the Annual General Meeting (AGM), which is the company’s chief decision-making body.
The AGM should be held within six months of the end of each financial year.
Resolutions on matters including the adoption of the Income Statement and Balance Sheet of the company and group, appropriating profit for the year pursuant to the adopted Balance Sheet, discharging the Board of Directors and Managing Director from liability, appointing Directors and the company’s auditor, and resolutions on other matters pursuant to law and the Articles of Association (see “Articles of Association”) should be made by the AGM. Shareholders who wish to have a matter considered at the AGM should request this in writing to the Board of Directors in good time prior to the meeting.
All shareholders recorded in the share register maintained by Euroclear on the record date and who have notified the company in the manner stipulated in the Articles of Association are entitled to participate in the AGM personally or by proxy.
Invitations to shareholders’ meetings are pursuant to law, and in the manner stipulated by Dedicare’s Articles of Association. The invitation regulations are consistent to the standards applying to public limited companies whose shares are traded on a regulated marketplace.
Annual General Meeting 2025
Dedicare’s Annual General Meeting will take place on Thursday, April 24, 2025, at 4:00 PM at the company’s headquarters, Ringvägen 100, 10th floor, in Stockholm.
Shareholders wishing to have an item included on the agenda for the Annual General Meeting must submit their request no later than Friday, March 14, 2025.
Requests should be sent to the following email address:
Nomination Committee
Nominating Committee for the Annual General Meeting consists of Björn Örås (personal holdings), Jenny Pizzignacco (personal holdings), and Caroline Örås (personal holdings), together representing owners with 68% of the voting rights for all shares in the company.
Shareholders who wish to submit proposals to the Nominating Committee can do so via email to